Oh my... He's UPDATING!

Make that cross on the roof and spit twice to the right and for God's sake don't forget to get your lucky teddy in case and earthquake may occur, cause I am updating!

Recently came home from Egypt, the land of mysteries! Did the ancient humans really build those HUGE (I'm seen them) pyramids or maybe Extraterrestials really came to earth, thousands of years ago and did that? Not my question to answer, but I have a hard time believing humans could have carried those stones... Thousands of stones.... each weighing several tons... And building a pyramid, over 140 meters high with their bare hands. Doesn't sound very possible to me atleast ^^

Anyways, had a great time there and I hope I did get some sun on me. The most beautiful hotel I've stayed in no doubt! We litterly had our own house lol. I saw some wonderful animals and other things, didn't get to take a photo of them all though. I will post a couple of things I managed to shoot!

Our sweet hotel, parts of it atleast... The pool can be spotted far down there.

Another part of the hotel, each of those "houses" are hotel rooms.

A mega fish! This one was so huge! And tasty ;P

They were playing for us with their local instruments, so awesome! ;D

Just to give you an idea of how increadibly HUGE those things ARE...

I personally can't believe humans can have made this... It may sounds bizarre that Aliens would have done it but it's more bizarre to me that humans moved these blocks (look at the ones I'm standing on... they're fuckin' INSANELY huge...) After been there and seen it, I gotta say I changed my point of view.

If I remember correctly the biggest one was about 145 meters high today, it was even higher before, but humans removed pieces to build houses and stuff...

Overview :)

A dog I saw, reminded me a bit of Lucky :) What a beauty!

The Sphinx,... It's really amazing how something could have built this thing aswell..

Not quite so rich over there, this man is using his donkey to move his things.

A Mosque, very beautiful.

I bought a new Cowboy hat =)) This one fits better than the old one :)

Dad went up to catch the sunrise one morning, and I gotta say he really succeeded!

I found a snail... sort of... Only that this one had like its own tree on its back lol

We saw dolphins during a boat trip, that was amazing :)

A really weird fish, I remember seeing something alike in Taiwan, they can run on rocks and swim as well.

I really like these kinds of pictures, they are so... peaceful :)

And it's a great picture to end this visit with. I really enjoyed that vacation, usually don't like water and basking, but I really liked this one, it was like a reawakening, I can now enjoy swimming and the sun :)

Hope you had a great visit through the pictures lol :D

Postat av: Pamela

OMG!! Det var som sagt ett tag sen ja!! :) Så förvånad jag blev när jag kom in och såg att du uppdaterat ;) på tok för längesen! Vilka fina bilder o jag blir så sugen på att resa! Så avundsjuk, speciellt på att ni sett pyramiderna! :) Kul att ni åkte dit! :)

2010-01-21 @ 23:22:10
URL: http://briardkimba.blogg.se/
Postat av: Annette

Vilka fina bilder. En liten sak bara..där står du med skinnjacka, jag trodde det var varmt i Egypten. haha

Allting ser helt underbart ut, lite avundsjuk är jag. Men som jag sa, jag spara 10000:- på en vecka och de e ju inte illa....haha. kram på dej.

2010-01-26 @ 11:19:42
Postat av: Anonym

Är inte en sån där hund en dingo? :P eller är jag helt ute och cyklar..? :) fina bilder iaf, riktigt coola..

2010-01-29 @ 18:54:13
URL: http://alesig.blogg.se/
Postat av: Coffe

Snygga bilder! Gillar speciellt den sista, mysig. Nej, de där pyramiderna är ju ett av de stora mysterierna. Ingen som vet hur det verkligen gick till. Många teorier finns ju, men ingen som riktigt makes sense.

Som Pamela skrev så blir man sugen på att resa. Ser fram emot Thailand i Januari!

2010-03-07 @ 16:44:36

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