Long time no see!

I've been away from photopraphing a bit lately... Mostly caused by the nasty weather we have here in Sweden during winter. But the main reason might still be that I'm lazy and too comfortable playing my guitar indoors.. Anyways, I was outside shooting for a while today, no luck though, I did get to see a few interesting rascals, but obviously they were not interested in me. Overran by birds I only caught one with my camera... Shame on me I know... And it wasn't even a good shot :P But whatever, shit happens. Among those I saw, I want to menchant three that I was more or less happy to see,...

The Black Woodpecker
The Goshawk
and The Long-Tailed Tit

Det var ett tag sen jag var ute och jagade fåglar med kameran... Har varit allmänt lat och för bekväm inomhus, men med lite hjälp av min fantastiska flickvän så kom jag ut idag efter många om och men :P Såg en del intressanta arter, men som vanligt så missar man chansen att fånga dom på bild utan får någon annan som man ser överallt. Fick iaf se några intressanta, därbland:

och Stjärtmes

This was the best I could do today... A Blue Tit sitting in my neighbors garden.
Såhär ser bästa bilden ut efter dagens vandring... :P En Blåmes i grannens tomt.

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